I have an enhanced DBS and have completed St Johns Ambulance First Aid at Work and
MHFA Mental Health First Aid training.
Young Writer's Studio I Freedom Studios
OCTOBER 2023 - MARCH 2023
I lead the young writer's studio which explored scriptwriting and poetry with young people ages 14-18. Over 10 weeks, I led sessions and developed pieces for a showcase that took place as part of Bradford Voices.
Youth Theatre Facilitator I Freedom Studios
MARCH 2022 –
I am leading Freedom studios Youth theatre Age11-15 group. To be responsible for Sign In Sheets and Attendance, To lead the delivery of creative content that is inclusive, relevant and artistically exciting as well as sharing overviews of the term with the Co-Artistic Director and report safeguarding issues
Partner Schools Lead Artist I Leeds Playhouse
JANUARY 2023 – JULY 2023
I am facilitating a theatre after school club at a primary school in Chapeltown Leeds. We focus on building confidence and team building skills whilst exploring drama and performance.
Outreach Drama Facilitator I Freedom Studios
JANUARY 2023 –
I am running drama sessions in primary schools across Bradford. These sessions are an introduction to the arts, drama, playwriting whilst building transferable skills such as team work, public speaking and confidence in a safe and fun way.
Hey Days Creative Writing Practitioner I Leeds Playhouse
HeyDays is the largest and longest-running arts programme for older people in UK theatre. I ran creative writing sessions for the autumn term 2022 and explored writing from personal experience in a safe way with mental health and wellbeing at the forefront. I ensured that my sessions were adaptable to the groups access needs so everyone was able to make the most of each week.
Workshop Support I Comic Relief
I supported the Armley Comedy Club in association with Comic Relief and Leeds Playhouse which were stand up comedy sessions for older men who have been referred by their GP. These sessions aimed to combat loneliness and promote positive metal health and wellbeing.
Support Worker I Leeds Playhouse
OCTOBER 2021 – 2023
I supported the theatre sessions for 11-13 age group where young people have the opportunity to develop key performance skills in a collaborative environment through exercises that will both challenge and broaden their understanding of performance.
I also currently support Leeds Playhouse outreach drama sessions in both primary and secondary schools in Leeds.
Freedom Studios Youth theatre
Photo credit: Tom Woollard